Convert the Result set of the SQL query to JSON Object in Python
Often we land up in a situation where we write a rest service and have to convert the data retrieved from the database to JSON Format . Moreover the below snippet will help you to do the same . The package which i have used to expose the method as service is "Flask" and the package used to access the table data in the MYSQL database in "flask.ext.mysqldb" . Moreover the below snippet also contains the logic to convert the JSON data to dataframe and access another rest service to get the data and convert in to dataframes. The package which i have used to convert to dataframes is "panda" and access the rest service URL is "request" .
click here to access the snippet from git hub.
from flask import Flask,request
from flask.ext.mysqldb import MySQL
import json as jsonInstance
import pandas as pandaInstance
import requests as requestInstance
app = Flask(__name__)
# My SQL Server Configurations
app.config['MYSQL_HOST'] = ''
app.config['MYSQL_USER'] = 'vignesh'
app.config['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] = 'vignesh'
app.config['MYSQL_DB'] = 'visualization'
mysqlInstance = MySQL(app)
def getRecordsAsJSON():
# Get the input
Parameter from the request Object
inputSource = request.args.get('inputSource')
jsonData = {}
if inputSource == "database":
# Create Connection and
cursor instance
cursorInstance = mysqlInstance.connection.cursor()
# Prepared statement
cursorInstance.execute('''SELECT * FROM IRIS''')
# Extract the row
headers / Metadata of the query
rowMetadata=[x[0] for x in cursorInstance.description]
# Fetch all the records
resultset = cursorInstance.fetchall()
for result in resultset:
jsonData = jsonInstance.dumps(json_data)
elif inputSource == "restservice":
# Access a Get URL to
get the response
responseInstance = requestInstance.get("")
jsonData =
#print("The Type
of the output data is :: ",jsonData)
# Convert output data
to Data frame
return jsonData
if __name__ == '__main__':
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